Recently we had the privilege to attend Financial Times Live event on #circulareconomy and #zeroplastic#pollution.
It was an excellent discussion which included distinguished speakers including Neville Hawcock, Walmir Soller, Erin Simon (WWF), Victor Dewulf.
Here are some of the important issues raised and my take on this matter.
- #Plastic Production makes up 3.5% of global #carbonemissions and several initiatives currently involve Global Partners for #PlasticCircularity.
- #governments potentially need to create enabling conditions to access raw material for #plasticrecycling (currently there is significant leakage to #landfill sites and the #environment) and optimize use of plastic by creating a supportive Legal Framework.
- Elimination of plastic pollution is certainly possible however holistic global solutions are required.
- Packaging materials require #design rethink.
- #energyefficiency, #emissions and #heat generation needs to be considered when recycling mechanically or chemically and it is important to consider alternates to plastic usage.
- #standardisation is critical for effective recycling – such as regulations on collection and disposal , Landfill taxes, Carbon Taxes etc.
I believe there is a global recognition for this issue and there is support for rules similar to CFCs to deal with #plasticpollution.
Few billion dollars question is that whether global community is focused enough to support such an initiative before it is too late.