Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

The global learning crisis persists with over 57 million primary school-age children out of school, half in conflict-affected areas. Despite international commitments, 69 million adolescents are not in primary or secondary school. Progress has stagnated, and discrimination hinders access to quality education. Even in schools, 250 million primary school-age children struggle with basic literacy, and 774 million adults, mostly women, are illiterate. Conflict exacerbates the situation, disrupting education and hindering economic development. The private sector holds significant potential to address this crisis. Failure to act risks deepening inequalities and denying millions the skills for positive societal engagement in an era where 15 to 24-year-olds make up one-sixth of the developing world’s population.

QBS Co. through its IT and business services commits to improving access to education and learning quality for children, youth, and adults: In this regard, it will fully commit to developing and strengthening local workforces as soon as practically possible in the operations. Technology and knowledge transfer are critical for human development and QBS Co would like to play a critical role in transferring know-how to countries and communities where its operations are based.