Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Scientists link climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises to unsustainable production and consumption. Shifting these patterns supports global commitments on climate and biodiversity. COVID-19 offers a chance to explore equitable, sustainable development. Global material footprint per capita rose 40%, from 8.8 metric tons in 2000 to 12.2 in 2017. E-waste was 7.3 kg per capita in 2019, but only 1.7 kg was sustainably managed. E-waste is projected to reach 9 kg per capita by 2030, requiring a more than tenfold increase in recycling rates. Fossil fuel subsidies dropped to $431.6 billion in 2019 due to lower prices. COVID-19 is expected to further reduce subsidies due to decreased demand and oil price shocks in 2020.

One major component of a sustainable future is IT Infrastructure using green technologies and energy, efficiency, and conservation. QBS Co through its Energy advisory is also offering low GHG, green, and hybrid solutions to contribute meaningfully towards such a future.