
Circular Plastic Economy and Zero Plastic Pollution

Recently we had the privilege to attend Financial Times Live event on #circulareconomy and #zeroplastic#pollution. It was an excellent discussion which included distinguished speakers including Neville Hawcock, Walmir Soller, Erin Simon (WWF), Victor Dewulf. Here are some of the important issues raised and my take on this matter. I believe there is a global recognition…


Moral Money Summit 2023

Feeling inspired by Financial Times Moral Money Summit 2023 as it was great to see so many people getting together who are all in their own way and in some cases collectively making #esginvestment #greenbonds #biodiversityconservation #transperancy #environment #sustainablefinance #blendedfinance a reality. It is a mammoth task and needs support by all of us. In…

Mr. Mohammed Alqabbani

Mr. Mohammed Alqabbani, the lead for new business development at QBS

Mr. Mohammed Alqabbani was warmly welcomed by QBS as the new Business Development Lead. With a successful track record in business development and project management across various industries, from quality control to procurement, valuable expertise was brought to our team. He was confident that QBS Arabia and QBS Co would be driven toward greater expansion…

Facility Management Services

FNS – Almost Live

zdigits was successfully introduced by QBS Co. to a Saudi Arabia-based Facility Management Services (FNS) company specializing in railway containers. The project focused on implementing tailored solutions to optimize facility management processes and increase operational efficiency. QBS Co’s expertise in digital transformation and project management ensured the seamless integration of innovative technologies to meet the…